Who we are

Welcome to Christ Lutheran

Welcome! I appreciate your taking time to learn more about our church and school family, and believe you’ll find that we’re passionate about God’s Word, worship, fellowship, and serving others.

I consider it a great honor to serve as senior pastor alongside a gifted and passionate ministry team. God is doing incredible things through our many ministries – on campus, in our community, and around the world. 

Get to know us, join us for worship, and become part of our family! Get involved where God can bless you, and where He can work through you to bless others.

Darren Olson

What to Expect

Want a glimpse of what it's like at Christ?

  • We have Bible classes at 9:00a, and worship with all ages together at 10:00a.
  • We encourage you to bring your own Bible, use a Bible app, or one of the Bibles available in the church pews so that you can compile your own study notes.
  • You’ll hear the rock-solid truths of the Word in our pastor’s scripture-based and relevant to real life messages.
  • Different generations, upbringing, and life experiences all instill a desire for different styles of worship. A blended style of worship best connects with our church body.
  • We have Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
  • Adult study led by Pastor Loeschen – The Truth Project
  • High School students – led by Teresa Schukei on Screwtape Letters written by C.S. Lewis
  • Multigenerational gathering – sharing songs, study and activities centering on Fruit of the Spirit with Leland and Krisha Uden
  • Our ushers, elders, staff, and volunteers are here to help. Just look for our name tags!
  • After the service, our Pastor or an elder is always available in the sanctuary to visit with you and pray with you.
  • Please call the church office 8:00a-4:00p Monday-Friday, to let us know how we can help 402.744.4971.
  • Main Floor Restrooms: The restroom nearest the entrance is located outside the church foyer in the hall as you enter the school, outside the gymnasium.
  • Another restroom is located adjacent to the school entrance.
  • The cry room also has a restroom that is accessible from the sanctuary and narthex.
  • Basement Restroom: Down the stairs from the church foyer is another restroom left of the kitchen.
  • An elevator is located at the northwest church entrance.
  • Changing tables are available in the cry room at the rear of the church as well as in the main restrooms. For your child(ren)’s safety, please accompany them if they need to leave the sanctuary for any reason.
  • We encourage parents to feel free to keep their young ones in worship with the entire family. The presence of children is a gift to God’s family, and a reminder that our church is growing!
  • At the entrance, you’ll find bags with crayons and coloring pages, a picture book, and other small gadgets of interest for children to use during worship.
  • If you need to nurse a baby, or you and your child(ren) need a quiet place to experience worship, we have a room at the back of the sanctuary, furnished with rocking chairs, a changing table, and restroom. The worship service audio is broadcast into this room, and has a clear view of the sanctuary.
  • There’s no need to worry about how to dress when you come to worship at Christ. You will see people in dress clothes, jeans, or shorts and t-shirts.
  • During the offering, we have a time of announcements. Please contact the church secretary if you would like to include something.
  • Come as you are and join us in a time of worship!
  • We believe our online worship time is just as meaningful as our in person experience.
  • We welcome those who aren’t able to be here in person, on campus, to join us live online via our livestream worship service at 10:00a Central Time on Sunday mornings. 
  • You can also watch our past worship services at that same link at any time.
  • Whether you regularly view our livestream from here in Juniata, from the other side of the globe, or from the International Space Station, please consider yourself a part of our church family. If you’d like to make that a little more official, please call 402.744.4971 about becoming a member of Christ.
  • Check back in the fall as our Bible studies begin again. 
  • Join us on Sundays for Bible classes and Sunday school! Click the Sunday Bible Classes toggle above to see what we’re currently studying.

Find our campus

Here you'll find a warm group of real people who are dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Take the next step

Take a class to learn more about us, schedule a baptism, or find ways to serve others.

Join the Family

Take our New Member Class


Baptism for all Ages

Serve Others

Volunteer Ministries

Have questions?

Call at 402.744.4991 or email us, and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible. Our offices are open, Monday – Friday, so emails sent after 4pm on Friday will be answered the following week.